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In Australia and New Zealand, over 8,000 women are diagnosed with a gynaecological cancer every year and over 2,000 women lose their life. We are working to raise awareness and funds for critical research to change these statistics and help save women’s lives. Join us today. 

Gynaecological Cancers

There are 5 main types of gynaecological cancers and hundreds of sub-types. 19 women in Australia are diagnosed every day

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Robyn braced herself to hear that her nagging abdominal pain was a prolapsed uterus. Instead, he told her she had inoperable bowel cancer. As she battled to digest the scary and inconceivable news, another bomb exploded in her world.

The diagnosis was corrected to stage 4 ovarian cancer, which has a five-year survival rate of just 48%.

How can my business help?

Make a tax-deductible donation today to help us reach our goal for one million for women. Your support will help transform diagnosis and treatment pathways for women diagnosed with a gynae cancer.



Rose's gift that will impact generations

If you’re looking to leave a legacy where in the future, all women can have access to timely and personalised cancer treatment, then a gift your Will is one of the most impactful ways you can help.

Rose Varga did just that, and her legacy will impact generations of women with gynaecological cancers.

Give a life-changing gift today to help save women’s lives

Your purchase will change a woman’s life. Shop our store today to help advance gynaecological cancer research and give women hope.

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